Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Day Before the First Day of the Rest of My Life

Several months ago, I decided to quit my perfectly good job in one of the worst economic situations since before my birth to apply to culinary school. This is not an uncommon story... Girl hates job, girl knows she's bound for culinary greatness, girl quits job, girl hopes for best... What is uncommon about my situation is that it is about me. Me, the person who generally plans her weekends a month in advance and has selected an outfit at least three days beforehand. Me, the person with a steady paycheck and nice shoes to prove it. I guess that this also about the me that decided a week ago to go to France after one too many Belinis and the me that just popped a Xanax in order to prepare for tomorrow's seven hundred hour flight to Paris. It's just, I only recently discovered that version of me.

Let's get a few things straight... (1) I am uncomfortable with the idea of taking risks. It gives me the same feeling that one thousand brown recluse spiders and one copperhead snake would give you if you found them in your bed. (2) I don't like to fly. See above regarding feelings of snakes and spiders. (3) I'm a planner. I like to plan. Having no plan makes me feel similarly to above snake/spider situation. You get the idea. I'm boring. I do not like risk. I appreciate mutual funds because they're safe. I also don't like children. But that has nothing to do with what we're talking about here, so moving on...

So, this whole taking a solo trip to Paris on a week's notice is a bit out of character. However, considering I will be going to school that teaches the art of classic French cuisine, there is a grain of reason in it. Plus, I'll only be solo for four days. My boyfriend is going to joining me for the weekend. So yeah. I'd really like it if you'd join me for my adventure. First, we'll go to France for the next week. I'll eat a lot of great food that I will then describe in the most graphic detail that I can so that you will be so jealous that you want to be me. Then, I'll keep you updated on the progress of my dire student loan situation, culinary triumphs and let downs and once school starts, I'll tell you all about the egomanical, emotionally stunted people I imagine I will be in school with.

Check back this week to follow me on my little Parisian adventure. I will periodically update my blog, facebook and, if I remember, my twitter.

This oughta be good.

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